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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Steve Sullivan pro curve

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I was visiting a LHS and noticed some Steve Sullivan pro stock S19 sticks. There is no elliptical taper on it and the sticker code says STNHL so I am guessing they are Synergy ST ?

I really liked his old curve from way back (small heel curve) but now his curve has too much open toe for me.



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If you could PM me the shop name and price, I would appreciate it. I may just take a few and I wouldn't be surprised if Jay wanted a couple as well.

I have a Sully Hespeler 5500 from his River Rat days...good stuff.

I went through a dozen or so of his original TPS Responses then cloned the "A" pattern for some wood blades when I ran out of OPS.

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nice. The stick is in my attic somewhere but IIRC, it's similar to a Kovalev pattern and it's short...(No surprise)

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If you could PM me the shop name and price, I would appreciate it. I may just take a few and I wouldn't be surprised if Jay wanted a couple as well.

I went through a dozen or so of his original TPS Responses then cloned the "A" pattern for some wood blades when I ran out of OPS.

I partially took that pic for you. I remember about 7 years ago you sent me on that mission to snag those Sullivan blades. I didn't think you would go for these curves, but I guess I was wrong.

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I partially took that pic for you. I remember about 7 years ago you sent me on that mission to snag those Sullivan blades. I didn't think you would go for these curves, but I guess I was wrong.

The woodies were very similar to the TPS P31 or Bauer P72, that curve looks more like his TPS "D" pattern. He added a little more toe with every TPS revision that I saw.

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