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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Eye Injury

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Hey everyone,

I recently took a puck, a bit outside of my eye. 2 days ago to be exact. Now, the cut didn't require stitches, but it's bruised and a little swollen but that's not my concern. Now does everyone remember watching 24/7 on HBO and seeing Matt Hendrick's eye? So yeah, take that, remove the stitches and dumb down the bruising/swelling. My concern is basically the redness in his eye(I'll post a pic if you haven't seen it). Note how half his eye is red. That recently started this morning when I woke up. Luckily it's only in the corner of my eye and barely noticeable. I'm wondering what exactly this is, I haven't found out a technical term for it on google. Also if it's a big problem. I'm worried because I wear contacts and I'm wondering if I can still wear them. Only reason I ask here, is because I won't be able to see a doctor for a while and have a game tomorrow though. All help or suggestions are appreciated. Thank you!


Hopefully none of you lose your lunch over this or anything. If so, my apologies.

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I had the same redness after an eye surgery, contacts will hurt to wear so just wear glasses for now, if you are truly worried skip the game especially if there is a cut around your eye, you don't want to get an infection from your helmet.

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  On 1/8/2011 at 8:53 PM, starsfan71 said:

I had the same redness after an eye surgery, contacts will hurt to wear so just wear glasses for now, if you are truly worried skip the game especially if there is a cut around your eye, you don't want to get an infection from your helmet.

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Thanks for the heads up man, guess I'll take a break from them. But how might I get an infection from my helmet? The cut is basically 2 fingers away from the side of the helmet. Can I just cover it up or something? Because after a recent knee injury, the last thing I want to do is miss more games.

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In most cases like this doctors tend to suggest you avoid activity until the blood is cleared up. It usually doesn't take more than a few days from what I recall.

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  On 1/8/2011 at 9:02 PM, NextBobbyOrr said:

Thanks for the heads up man, guess I'll take a break from them. But how might I get an infection from my helmet? The cut is basically 2 fingers away from the side of the helmet. Can I just cover it up or something? Because after a recent knee injury, the last thing I want to do is miss more games.

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You should be fine. I own a few martial arts clubs with my old man, so they are a very common occurence (from getting poked in the eye, or different chokes can pop a vessel). Its really no big deal, it might get a little sore or itchy, but nothing unbearable. However if the blood continues to spread into your pupil or cornea then you should think about seeing your doctor. I have never had one from hockey, but being involved in jiu jitsu my entire life i have had 4. You should be fine and theres really no reason for you to miss a game. And for the infection comment by starsfan71 just ignore it. You didnt actually slice a cut in your eye ball, you just popped a vessel in there, so its impossible to get an infection.

Best of luck, i hope this helps.

PS It should be totally gone in about 1-3 weeks. (You will just look like a tough guy for a few days :wink:)

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