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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Dane Cook

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It sounds like he's lifting material, but his delivery makes me laugh much more than the other guys. The Vicious Circle was probably the funniest standup I've watched. I know nothing about standup though.

What I can relate it to is music (I've been a musician for 15 years). Some people are great song writers, and some people are performers. Cook seems to me to be a great performer. No clue about his writing. It does seem that the comedy field is much, much more sensitive about that kind of thing.

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It sounds like he's lifting material, but his delivery makes me laugh much more than the other guys. The Vicious Circle was probably the funniest standup I've watched. I know nothing about standup though.

What I can relate it to is music (I've been a musician for 15 years). Some people are great song writers, and some people are performers. Cook seems to me to be a great performer. No clue about his writing. It does seem that the comedy field is much, much more sensitive about that kind of thing.

I don't think his performance is entertaining either. It's like a bad imitation of Robin Williams when he was on coke.

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The Retaliation stuff was pretty funny. After the tour, he's just not very funny. He goes on talking about a story for 20 mins to hit one punchline, not good. He recently played in Tampa and a lot of my friends went, none of them were very happy with the show... 3 years ago he killed.

I'd rather see Pablo Francisco, Dana Carvey, Carl Barron, Ty Barnett, Gabriel Iglesias, Lewis Black, Demetri Martin and many others.

We can't have a thread about comedians without mentioning: Chris Rock, John Leguizamo, Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, Hedberg, Carlin, Robin Williams(the original loud, overactive comedian), Sandler... Jesus, I can't even begin to name them all.

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Different strokes I suppose. I liked the Robin Williams coke era stuff too. I also don't really like half of Carlin's stuff, I liked Seinfeld's standup, I liked the Seinfeld sitcom, and have probably as much knowledge and credibility when it comes to rating comedy as the average TRL watcher does with music. :D

Oh yeah, and I loved Dana Carvey standup too.

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I rank him right up there with Harry Houdini and David Copperfield. The ability to make some people laugh by not being the least bit funny or entertaining must be MAGIC.

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