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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X:60 vs X:50 OPS

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Hey guys,

Im looking at getting either a couple of X60 or X50 grips 102 flex. Can someone who has used both or either give me some insight to compare the two? From what the reviews say the difference between the two is pretty much just the construction materials so the X50 is 40grams heavier than the X60 (can someone confirm this?). Is there really THAT much of a difference to justify the extra $60 per stick?

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Ahhhhhh I wish I could just try them both out! lol To be honest Im leaning towards the X50.. But it will be one of the first times I have not been using a "Top Teir" stick so my main concern is about the quality.

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One of my buddies liked his x50's better than x60's

He would be correct. I have both and the X50 is my favorite stick made right now. for $150 you get a FAIRLY light stick. Great balance. Tad blade heavy but the blade is pretty excellent. My shots seem to rocket off and passes will stick to the blade. The X60 just feels...dead. I have to pay a LOT more attention to receiving passes with it.

I think that Bauer should've made the X50 the X60. Balance isn't as good as the X60 but it beats it out everywhere else, IMO.

X50 > X60.

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I love my x60's, by far my favorite sticks right now. The lightness/balance/non-blade heaviness really helps with the quick hands, and I have zero problems feeling the puck or catching passes. Blade is very responsive for me, but I'm one of those weirdos who hates the soft feel of the one95, lol

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