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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey all,

Recently my se16 has developed a crack at the heel of the blade and seems like its on its last legs. I cant get find any se16s in my curve and flex, so I was wondering what sticks are similar in feel and shaft shape. Also I know that all pro stocks are different then retail, but how close are some of the pro stock se16's to the retail ones. Any info is appreciated.

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Well the eq50 is slightly heavier then the se16, but it has the exact same kickpoint and im sure you could find your curve.Also hockeymonkey has the se16 in most curves for the grip model(not pro stock)

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Hey all,

Recently my se16 has developed a crack at the heel of the blade and seems like its on its last legs. I cant get find any se16s in my curve and flex, so I was wondering what sticks are similar in feel and shaft shape. Also I know that all pro stocks are different then retail, but how close are some of the pro stock se16's to the retail ones. Any info is appreciated.

is there a particular curve and flex you are looking for? if it's a pro stock a description or picture would help.

if its retail, alot of online retailers still have a good stock, and a couple of LHS do too.

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Thank you for your replys. It is not a pro stock, I was just curious to how they compared to retail ones. Although I know pro stocks are alot different then retail. My se16 is a 85 flex sakic left. (clear but not a big deal if not). I have looked and can not find one.

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Are you serios?? Sakic the most popular Curve of all time and you can't find one in 85? I'm pretty sure that every LHS with SE16 on stock have a Sakic 85.


For discontinued, clearance priced sticks it's actually generally the most popular patters/curves that sell out first. Honestly he might be SOL when it comes to online retailers.

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For discontinued, clearance priced sticks it's actually generally the most popular patters/curves that sell out first. Honestly he might be SOL when it comes to online retailers.

Absolutely right. My LHS has a few SE16s remaining, but they're all lefty heel curves.

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Are you serios?? Sakic the most popular Curve of all time and you can't find one in 85? I'm pretty sure that every LHS with SE16 on stock have a Sakic 85.


As a Sakic/Hall curve user I can tell you that they seem to sell out quick. Sometimes I wonder why the LHS don't see this and order more.

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As a Sakic/Hall curve user I can tell you that they seem to sell out quick. Sometimes I wonder why the LHS don't see this and order more.

I agree, but I think it depends on the area too because where I live the straighter curves always sell out the quickest the Sakic type curves always go next.

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