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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which blade fits?

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I got a complete new SE16 from the a Player from our Pro Team. Unfortunately it is right and a complete weird curve. I tried to sell them but i can't get a normal price for the stick. (I'm from europe)

SO i decided to put out the Blade because its only a fused Stick and put in a blade that fits me and the shaft.

So which blade would fit.

I have a broken X60 too.


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Those will use a Tapered blade, they are typically more expensive than standard blades. Although you can flip over the shaft and use a standard blade the flex and balance will throw you off.

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No, the TotalOne blade is standard. Here are some tapered blades, although not an exhaustive list:


I also continue to recommend Harrow 300 tapered blades. http://www.harrowsports.com They're cheaper than many competitors and I'm impressed with the quality and performance of the blade. And not that this is indicative of whether they would work with your converted OPS, but I have a Harrow 300 in an SE16 shaft and it fit perfectly. Not sure if they ship to Europe.

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There is no tapered totalone blade. Best bet would be an X:60 blade. And for that broken X:60, where is it broken? Can the blade be salvaged?

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Yeah and both aren't available in Europe. What's about the DOLO Tapered blades?? What is the Durry blade in Reebok can't find a pendant.


Oh ok i understand. Dolo blades should fit. they worked in my x60 shafts.

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I use a tapered Dolomite blade in both my X:60 and Total One (cut from OPS) and probably my favourite of the bunch, I also have a RBK 7k tapered and love the Crosby curve. I would suggest trying either of the two

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