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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton gloves?

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I've had a couple pairs of easton prostock airs (and real z-airs like Sakic's), in both nylon and PU, both were geat gloves.

Hey Geki, are you playing with your pro stock airs this year?

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I've had a couple pairs of easton prostock airs (and real z-airs like Sakic's), in both nylon and PU, both were geat gloves.

Hey Geki, are you playing with your pro stock airs this year?

I am.

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Hey Geki, are you playing with your pro stock airs this year?

Not this year, I went through the palms of them pretty quickly... pro stock palms aren't the most durable out there.. ;) I rarely go through a palm.

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I also got gloves from eastwest. I bought pro stock Thrashers leather easton 3300 . Unreal glove. Also I just tryed this but, I put pro toe on the palm of the glove that my buttend sticks into. It made the area a little rough so the stick isn't able to wear it away.

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