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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What pants am I looking at here?

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I got these pants at an AHL equipment sale, and I have seen A LOT of equipment, but I'm not familiar with the 2-piece pant setup.

I was greeted with this tag on the inside of the pants:


Haven't heard of that model before in a CCM or Reebok. I bought another pair of pants which were rebranded CCM 520's, which I'm familiar with, but not these.

Another shot that can help identify these things:


Anyone know what exactly these are?

I feel like somewhat of an idiot asking this question.

Thanks in advance.

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No one knows?

I have a couple pairs of those and a some 520/620s. They are similar two piece style pants, but the pairs (MHP18)I have dont have the removable thigh padding and feel a little more bulky compared to the 520 style. The button and hole spacing is also different. the MHP18s i have are the older CCM branding and are from the capitals when they were wearing black, so it would seem that they are an older style of pro pant.

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