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Twelve Canadian Hockey Teams?

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A friend of mine just emailed me a link to this video. I watched it, thought it was interesting and didn't see it posted here. I definitely think Southwestern Ontario is the best spot for at least one more NHL team, but of course the Leafs and Sabres will fight that tooth and nail.

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it wasn't too long ago that canadian markets could barely support the existing teams and the american markets helped out. canadian teams received various funding from provincial and federal governments by way of tax breaks, grants and lottery proceeds because hockey is part of our culture... now that the canadian dollar is at or over par with the USD and the corporate partnerships are emerging, it is viable in markets where corporate dollars are plentiful, like GTA. most canadian cities are hockey mad, but they lack the premium customer who is willing to spend multiple thousands on an elite team and where corporations are willing to partner with these teams where their investment may not pay or get enough exposure. every city in canada has a hockey team and the reason for their success is because of their community involvement and good ol' affordable family fun. geographically speaking, there aren't many major cities left in canada where hockey isn't already a permanent fixture or could handle a 2nd franchise. toronto is the only one.

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I fully agree Canada should have at least 2 more teams, one in Winny, and another in Toronto, but why not have another team in Sarnia? I think it would make for a really good to have another team right across the border from Detroit (more like windsor), but its a huge market, and only QMJ and OHL teams aren't cutting it.

I would actually like to see a team in Halifax too though as they said.

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Now with the way in which the canadian dollar is stronger I am surprised there are not more teams in the NHL from Canada. With such a strong following of major junior hockey you would think people would want to go see those same people they have been watching as they progress into the NHL. If people can afford to go to NHL games in poorer American markets then they can afford it in Canada.

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I understand that the Canadian dollar is on par or stronger now, but you don't just wimbly nimbly add teams back after a few years of growth. See what's happening with the expansion teams in the Sunbelt now? There's no guarantee that the Canadian dollar will be that strong for how many years they want a team to be there.

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I just feel the with the popularity of hockey in Canada that there would be no way the teams could fail if they put expansions in more established locations. Winnipeg would be nice but I have heard it is quite a dump from my cousin who just came back from a tournament there. They need to try in well established areas and see how everything goes.

The Sunbelt teams do not do well because there is not much interest in hockey there and it is not accessible to the youth there. You need a fan base established to be successful and I feel that can be accomplished in Canada.

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I've been saying for a couple years that another team in Toronto makes the most sense. Outside of that, you have maybe one or two other locations that would survive without putting another team out of business.

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