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Steven Seagal behind 2 of the greatest kicks in MMA history

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Since November 1993 and UFC 1, only two front kick KO took place in the UFC (*), and they occurred only three months apart: Anderson Silva at UFC 126 and Lyoto Machida at UFC 129. The common point between these two kicks? Steven Seagal.

(*) This seems exaggerated, can anybody confirm this?

Machida's Karatee kick yesterday was absolutely amazing and he gave credit to Seagal, who was in the building, for mastering it:

"I feel very good because I trained it a lot, this kick"

"My dad taught me, Mr. Steven Seagal taught me also."

Seriously, i never knew Seagal could really fight. All those Chuck Norris sayings, shouldn't they be about Seagal? :D

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Seagal is a very highly trained and skilled Aikido master. Not surprising one bit. But he didnt really compete on a world scale. More of a training and running a dojo mostly in Japan, but i believe has one now in California (but doesnt actively teach there currently)

Chuck Norris was also involved in early MMA, and did quite a bit of training with the Gracie (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) family. With his Karate and Tae Kwon Do training, Chuck dominated the world karate (martial arts) competition for several years. Also trained with Bruce Lee.

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There has been lots of bad talk about Seagal in the Martial Arts world. He has a long history of telling "stories" about his martial arts, that aren't enitrely true. Seagal has studied Aikido throughout his life, but in all fairness, it isnt an overly effective marital art. It combines a lot of philosophy and relgious beliefs, not exactly the best thing to know if you want to defend yourself. Although he is very trained, he is no where near the calibre of anybody like Chuck Norris. Seagal also has a HUGE mouth and ego. There is a story around the martial arts world about him and Gene Lebell. Lebell is a legend in judo/jiu jitsu and the fight lasted under one minute, with Seagal passed out and losing control of his bowels. In other words he got choked out and crapped his pants. Granted this story may have changed a little bit since it actually happened, but i have heard the same story from lots of different teachers all over the world at different seminars. Although i don't doubt that Seagal may have tought this kick to Silva and Machida, i also wouldnt doubt if it was just a big joke between the Brazilian fighters.

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Body by Jake didn't help out Couture this time...maybe he should have hit up Norris had he known Seagal was in Machida's corner.

Hahahahahahaha!!! I guess thats next eh, thanking Chuck Norris himself!

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