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NHL 2005 vs. NHL 2K5

Which game do you own/prefer?  

32 members have voted

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I got 2k5 before the lockout was officiial and I'm not buying another licensed product until it is over. If they want to squabble over money, they aren't getting another penny from me.

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I bought 2K4 last year and was very dissppointed. I heard 2005 would be an improvement over 2004, and it seems like it. After playing with some setting it's not a bad game, but I only play like once a month tops anyways so it's not a big deal for me.

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i love 2005 and all but the hitting is unrealistic my god ill be on a break away and the computer well be like a sticklength and a half away and they somehow speed up from behind and hit me its crazy.

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Yeah, that's true, it's almost like defencemen are black holes and whoever is carrying the puck gets sucked into him...it's kinda comical at first...then it gets annoying, but I seem to have been able to turn down that aspect of the game.

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same here theo

i have it on game cube, and i think 2005 sucks ass

does anyone know how to check league leaders in points and stats in the season mode? cus i can't find it.

although i haven't tried 2k5, hands down id buy it now and not 2005

in fact next yr.....

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does anyone know how to check league leaders in points and stats in the season mode? cus i can't find it.

Actually, they haven't had a league leaders menu for a number of years now. It's been driving me batshit and it's beyond me why, but I don't really care to know anymore since anyone that's had a 60 point season in the past now has 50 points in 35 games. Fix the sim engine you bastards!!

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heres the thing, i can't find a way to check league leaders i npoints, only whos leading in each team.. can some one help me out?

this is i nthe season mode btw

It doesnt show the leauge leaders. Just the points leaders per team

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