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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bad Night for Hockey

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Someone has to keep this guy out of trouble. If ESPN suspends him we are only going to have one hockey analyst. Melrose can't do everything.

Eh ESPN barely does anything with hockey so Melrose could do it I think. However, if they suspend or fire him, they will most likely hire a new guy

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Hopefully they don't fire him...I mean, Jalen Rose was arrested a few months back for DUI, yet is still on SportsCenter every day like nothing happened.

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Sometimes I wish we had some transparency in these stories so we would know exactly what transpired and the circumstances involved.

I can assure you that there isn't a whole lot to the story. There was some poor judgment that led-up to some inappropriate behavior. It's a shitty situation, but it's nothing that warrants the attention of the public eye.

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I can assure you that there isn't a whole lot to the story. There was some poor judgment that led-up to some inappropriate behavior. It's a shitty situation, but it's nothing that warrants the attention of the public eye.

Tell that to the women in the audience.........

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