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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Footbeds for Easton SE16 (white)

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I bought a new pair of skates a couple of weeks ago, I got the SE16 white skates. They are pretty sweet.

First skate with them, I noticed the heel lift on the footbeds. I don't really like being on my toes that much. They guy who sold me the skates said I could take the heel lift off the footbeds, so I did that, but now, I can really feel the hole in the bottom of the skate where the holder connects to the boot. The heel lifts were a hard plastic, so you didn't notice the hole before.

Here is a picture of that hole I am talking about....


I am wondering if anyone has these skates and took the heel lifts out, and what are you using? I tried a pair of superfeet, just briefly at the store, but my feet are pretty flat, and those didn't feel very good. Basically I am looking for a footbed that is thin, flat and hard.... anyone know of anything?

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Bauer Superfit footbeds that come in the One100s would be perfect. They have a hard material under the heel and forefoot areas.

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New thin beds would work but what about a one-inch square piece of hard plastic to put over the hole but under your footbed? As long as it is fairly rigid you should have no problem, just make sure it is thin enough not to be noticed.

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Got some superfeet and they seem to do the trick, this was sort of a boring topic, I guess :blush:

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