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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM U+ Skates Baking Instructions

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Usually I buy my skates at my LHS, but I was able to score brand new U+ CL's on eBay for only $300. I followed the instructions for baking the skates(200 degrees for a minute and a half) and found that the "Ufoam" didn't really form around my feet that much.. Does anyone have any experience baking these?

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Usually at a store they are put in the oven from 5-10 minutes....Did you warm them up in your home oven?

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Usually at a store they are put in the oven from 5-10 minutes....Did you warm them up in your home oven?

Not even close. Please be careful with baking times. He could ruin his skates if he baked them for 10 minutes.

Mxi, was the skate oven pre-heated? That could be your problem. Also, was it a Bauer or Mission, or CCM oven?

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I got the skates online, so no skate bake oven, I did them in my own oven. Preheated to 200 degrees and used that sticker they give you in the box labeled "Heat", "OK", "Too Hot". Just didn't feel like the skates really formed to my feet like advertised. I would of gotten them done at Pure Hockey, but they charge 50 bucks, and I'm on a tight budget. Also I had heated One95's and X60's in the past at home with no issues.

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Not even close. Please be careful with baking times. He could ruin his skates if he baked them for 10 minutes.

Mxi, was the skate oven pre-heated? That could be your problem. Also, was it a Bauer or Mission, or CCM oven?

Hence the 5-10...Isn't baking them in your own oven dangerous?

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I just bought CCM U+ 06 skates, and had every intention of baking them. I too found the same thing when I baked them that the U foam did not heat up as much as I thought it would. I preheated my oven to the 200 degrees, and at a minute I checked them and decided to go to a full 2 minutes, this made them a little warmer, and I am happy with the way they turned out. They weren't super hot, they were just nice and warm, but soft enough to get a nice feeling fit after wearing them.

You could probably go a touch longer if you wanted to, but I didn't want to go to far and then end up with something that couldn't be fixed. So I played the better safe than sorry card. As for people saying you should never do this on your own, and have your LHS do it for you makes no sense. It is very simple, and I don't see the difference between me reading the instructions that CCM provides in the box, as opposed to having some person who probably knows as much about doing it as I do. It's not like these people get a special course in baking skates. They have an oven, set a timer and put it in just like I did at home.

All in all, I guess I'm saying that yeah the U foam didn't get as hot as some people report their skates get when baking them, but on the other hand I don't feel the need to have a local hockey shop bake them much longer than is even suggested by the manufacturer. Mine fit better now, and it won't take as long to finish the breaking in process as a result.

Hope that helps.


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i preheat the oven to 175 usually , then put the skate in and turn off the oven, i keep it in there for about 6--10 mins it's usually warm enough but oddly the eyelets are never hot enough to never burn me like they do in the stores. Pretty much the instruction video from icewarehouse on youtube. I do one skate at a time as i can kinda use my hands to push some pressure on the laces, pinch the heel etc to help better mold it.

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there's no u foam on the 2011 U+06 according to CCM. that may be some of the problem

Hmm, I wonder why they would provide a leaflet, that describes what u foam is and baking instructions, for my skate. I'll have to look into that now. Thanks for the info.

Ok so an update, I looked into it, everything I have read, and review I have watched on the skate, mentions the fact that it has great mold ability due to the u foam embedded in the boot.

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Fred, you're not supposed to use a regular oven because (for one reason, I'm sure there are others) it isn't convectional like a skate oven is and doesn't have the compact size that allows the heat to distribute more evenly than a normal oven. With a normal oven, either the top of the skate overheats or the bottom...not good for the plastic holders or the boot glues/resins.

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Hmm, I wonder why they would provide a leaflet, that describes what u foam is and baking instructions, for my skate. I'll have to look into that now. Thanks for the info.

Ok so an update, I looked into it, everything I have read, and review I have watched on the skate, mentions the fact that it has great mold ability due to the u foam embedded in the boot.

My son also has the 06 . There is a leaflet that talks about the U+Foam , but there is no U+Foam in the 06

http://www.icewarehouse.com/descpage.html?pcode=SKU06 See their discription of the ankle padding - "traditional foam"

http://www.icewarehouse.com/descpage.html?pcode=SKU08 And here its says " U Foam" . So it looks like the 08 is the lowest in the line with U Foam....

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I had great success baking a pair of CCM U+ pros at home. You can see how I did it in this post


My skates and a lot of the other current high end skates are meant to be baked. I doubt I could have ever come close to the fit I have now with out baking them.

Happy skating!

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