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Jobs wih NHL Teams?

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So i am going into my third year of college and like many and still not sure what i want to do for the rest of my live. While looking on the site a thought occurred to me what jobs do NHL teams have that a college student could do to get a foot in the door or see if it would be something i would be interested in doing for a career. I have had friends who have been bat boys for the local AAA baseball team and such but i don't know of any jobs that NHL teams offer. i have been a long time hockey player and love the sport and think it might be fun to work for an NHL team. What would a route to getting into working with a team consist of? Does anyone know what jobs offer to someone in my place or something i could work towards? i know team have a lot of positions but i want to try to keep it as open as possible...

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Step 1: Know someone.

Barring that, start at http://hockeyjobs.nhl.com

Well unfortunately i don't know anyone i know that would help tons. I have been to the website and they only offer high end positions that require years of experience. I know it might change when next season rolls around but i would also know what i should look for or into whats offered as far as working with the team more than the business side and even working with an AHL team would be easier?

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Like how the nhl has their players (usually) start through the ranks. The same is usually same with staff that has any sort of meaning. Tons of eqm, scouts, coaches, whatever come from a lower tier team in their ranks.

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Teams tend to promote with in so anything that can get your foot in the door should help. I have heard of ticket agents getting marketing etc.. type of jobs after a few years.

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Well unfortunately i don't know anyone i know that would help tons. I have been to the website and they only offer high end positions that require years of experience. I know it might change when next season rolls around but i would also know what i should look for or into whats offered as far as working with the team more than the business side and even working with an AHL team would be easier?

If you want to start with an AHL team, then an unpaid internship is the most common way I've seen. Unless you or someone you know is related to someone within the organization.

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Having a solid hockey resume to complement your academic/working CV is a good thing too -- whether it's as a player or on the admin side. This, however, is mainly useful in the, "Oh, you played with Team A, you must know Player X and Coach Y," way of associational thinking. If you aren't related to anyone, you have to be relatable.

For now, you could get involved with your school's varsity team, or even at the club or intramural levels: something/anything to substantiate interest and proficiency at hockey above the youth level.

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