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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i spy apxr's at iihf

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You could spot a bunch of new skates across the IIHF pictures. I think I saw new Revision skates (walser on USA), a new Tour Skate (or a slightly different color scheme on Bielstein of USA) & the RBK's w/ the hum'mr chassis. I dont know if its OK to post a pic of the APXR's, but I played in a tourney last month and the Bauer Rep had both the APXR on display as well as the new Mission Axiom Revolt.

I went through that photo gallery and didn't catch a sneak peek at the one pair of skates I wanted to see, the Armada skate. In one pic it looked like Osterkamp had a predominantly back skate w/ maybe a little silver or grey accent.

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I don't know squat about roller hockey (work in ice hockey exclusively), do most pros use ice hockey boots then attached a chassis and wheels (except Mission, I've seen samples)?

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Most players use standard off the shelf roller hockey skates. Some people like to experiment and try different combinations of chassis and boot, some convert their familiar ice skate to roller, etc, but most use stock off the shelf setups.

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$849 makes me want to throw up in my mouth. The price of these skates is getting to be out of hand!

for sure, I can hardly stomach a 600$ skate. what suprises me though is how ice skates can be more expensive then roller.

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Doing the math it becomes quite apparent... the boot is equal (roughly), ice have 2 plastic blade holders and 2 pieces of steel... Roller has 2 magnesium chassis, 16 high end bearings, 8 spacers, 8 axles and 8 high tech wheels! Seems easy to see why they cost more... they just have more parts!

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Doing the math it becomes quite apparent... the boot is equal (roughly), ice have 2 plastic blade holders and 2 pieces of steel... Roller has 2 magnesium chassis, 16 high end bearings, 8 spacers, 8 axles and 8 high tech wheels! Seems easy to see why they cost more... they just have more parts!

We are not arguing WHY inline skates cost more than ice skates(We are familier with skate parts). We are arguing THAT inline hockey skate prices have become outrageous. As with everything that is bought and sold, the prices have gone up due to the trickle down effect of the economy. Skate parts and production are no diffrent. But there has to come a point when people(I mean everyone)say, "Screw that, I'm not paying that much for that product I just dont need it!" When that happens prices will have to fall if the companies want to sell their goods and stay in business. But that turns into a whole other "non-hockey" related topic.

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Agreed, prices for the top model skates are outrageously over-priced! In Canada they don't even bring the RX:60 or the Boss/T9 models into the country (well not in Toronto and area). So there's a prime example of how they have priced themselves out of a huge market!

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Agreed, prices for the top model skates are outrageously over-priced! In Canada they don't even bring the RX:60 or the Boss/T9 models into the country (well not in Toronto and area). So there's a prime example of how they have priced themselves out of a huge market!

We sell quite a few in the Edmonton area, and we will be promoting the APXR in the ice market seeing as how Bauer's LE efforts are not focused in their top level skates, just add a TUUK.

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Wow, once again SinBin Sports provides service and product above and beyond! Can't get those skates anywhere in the GTA. I have even heard one store owner tell me that Bauer Canada did not stock them at all.

Great job Jeff.

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We are not arguing WHY inline skates cost more than ice skates(We are familier with skate parts). We are arguing THAT inline hockey skate prices have become outrageous. As with everything that is bought and sold, the prices have gone up due to the trickle down effect of the economy. Skate parts and production are no diffrent. But there has to come a point when people(I mean everyone)say, "Screw that, I'm not paying that much for that product I just dont need it!" When that happens prices will have to fall if the companies want to sell their goods and stay in business. But that turns into a whole other "non-hockey" related topic.

Then that's why there is the 480-500 RX5...

If you don't want to buy a 250 stick, don't spend that much. Don't want 800 skates, don't do the same thing. There is a market for it, and its being tapped, so what's the issue? There is a market for 100K + cars, but since most of us are driving around 20-30K models, do we say that its ridiculous to make such a car and no one will buy them? No. They aren't producing many of these skates. From what I gathered, less then 2000, so its not like you'll see many people with them. Just like you don't see many people in Dodge Vipers or Ferraris.

Yes its an expensive skate, no I would not buy it for myself if I paid full retail on gear, and no I wouldn't buy it for my kids unless they were legit, and were going somewhere, and needed that extra stiffness and performance in a skate to last the season. But there are the men's leaguers who don't care what the cost is, the parent's who buy their kid what he wants/needs, the gear whore ice players who will buy these, then spend 150 on tuuk/steel/install, b/c its looks cooler then the ice APX (to be honest, if I fit into a vapor boot, and needed new wheels, I would probably be doing this).

What's funny is, solely based on cost for dealers, (Ie, taking apart the boot, and then sell LSfusion and tuuk, or chassis, wheels, bearings etc) its more expensive for bauer to produce the APXR then it is the ice boot. Should be +20 for dealers in cost and probably a 875 MAP, but they're taking a bit of the bullet on that one. So it could be worse...

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Then that's why there is the 480-500 RX5...

If you don't want to buy a 250 stick, don't spend that much. Don't want 800 skates, don't do the same thing. There is a market for it, and its being tapped, so what's the issue? There is a market for 100K + cars, but since most of us are driving around 20-30K models, do we say that its ridiculous to make such a car and no one will buy them? No. They aren't producing many of these skates. From what I gathered, less then 2000, so its not like you'll see many people with them. Just like you don't see many people in Dodge Vipers or Ferraris.

Yes its an expensive skate, no I would not buy it for myself if I paid full retail on gear, and no I wouldn't buy it for my kids unless they were legit, and were going somewhere, and needed that extra stiffness and performance in a skate to last the season. But there are the men's leaguers who don't care what the cost is, the parent's who buy their kid what he wants/needs, the gear whore ice players who will buy these, then spend 150 on tuuk/steel/install, b/c its looks cooler then the ice APX (to be honest, if I fit into a vapor boot, and needed new wheels, I would probably be doing this).

What's funny is, solely based on cost for dealers, (Ie, taking apart the boot, and then sell LSfusion and tuuk, or chassis, wheels, bearings etc) its more expensive for bauer to produce the APXR then it is the ice boot. Should be +20 for dealers in cost and probably a 875 MAP, but they're taking a bit of the bullet on that one. So it could be worse...

$899 retail in Canada. I am confused about who is taking the hit. I can finish even or ahead of the game if I trade the chassis and components for an LS2 then part out Mag chassis, Addiction wheels, and high end bearings for an ice to inline conversion.

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going off of USA MAP pricing...

800 ice 850 roller.

If I as a dealer were to buy chassis, wheels, bearings that are on the APXR, the boot comes to X. If I were to buy the holder and steel on the APX, the boot costs me Y. Even though the APXR costs me as a dealer 39$ more then the APX does, buying the parts for the APXR costs more then holder and steel, including that 39 dealer cost difference.

What I'm getting at is they're making less money on the roller skate then the ice, unless production and r&d etc. costs have dropped a bit. The APXR should cost me about $10 more then what it does already, and MAP for USA should be a bit higher as well.

its cheaper for me to buy the APX skate, put a chassis, bearings and wheels on it, and then sell the tuuk and steel. its only $10 cheaper, but still thats $10 savings bauer is passing onto the consumer by pricing the skate cheaper then what it should be.

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going off of USA MAP pricing...

800 ice 850 roller.

If I as a dealer were to buy chassis, wheels, bearings that are on the APXR, the boot comes to X. If I were to buy the holder and steel on the APX, the boot costs me Y. Even though the APXR costs me as a dealer 39$ more then the APX does, buying the parts for the APXR costs more then holder and steel, including that 39 dealer cost difference.

What I'm getting at is they're making less money on the roller skate then the ice, unless production and r&d etc. costs have dropped a bit. The APXR should cost me about $10 more then what it does already, and MAP for USA should be a bit higher as well.

its cheaper for me to buy the APX skate, put a chassis, bearings and wheels on it, and then sell the tuuk and steel. its only $10 cheaper, but still thats $10 savings bauer is passing onto the consumer by pricing the skate cheaper then what it should be.

Agreed. Thanks for the clarification. I am banking on APXR being a small "Crossover Hit" into ice skate sales with the 7.0 being the LE this year.

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