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Anyone have advice on the breaking into the industry? (Engineering)

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I have recently completed my mech eng degree, and am on the job hunt. One of my friends recently got an internship at warrior hockey, and I have tried all the usual routes of emailing the major companies, but everything has been ignored thus far. Anyone have any tips for breaking in as a production engineer, or anything in the RnD, or anything at all really? Maybe they just dont hire many people for this? Is it one of those things where you need to "know someone"? I have been taking a bunch of interviews at companies, and thus far, don't really want to work for them. The hockey industry is one of the few things I'd actually think I could really excel at. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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It is definitely an "old-boys" club. I don't work or have any hand in the industry, but based on what I've gathered, knowing people is certainly up there in terms of "handiness" in grabbing work. Although that might be more geared to working for a team as an EQM, I'd think it applies to the companies themselves as well.

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I agree with Justin and JA, unless you have a deep rooted passion for hockey and willing to work hard and at the bottom for a while, you may find better opportunities in another field. I work in the retail purchasing side of the hockey industry and it seems like people move from company to company, so the positions open to new entrants are very small (minimal at best).

You could start looking for a job with a company that owns a hockey company, ie Adidas and Sport Maska or New Balance and Warrior, and maybe work towards the hockey department. Hockey is definitely an old boys club in pretty much all aspects.

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Last I checked, Easton is hiring but you have to look under the Easton Bell Sports website to find it. I'm studying product design but haven't delved into sports equipment yet. good luck.

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