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Aaron Boogaard arrested in connection wityh Derek's death

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I'm not sure what to make of this. Not getting the big picture...

Sounds like overzealous cops going by the book and not giving the family a break IF it is true that Aaron routinely hid the drugs from Derek as his dad claims.

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I don't think it is overzealousness by the cops so much as trying to find the source of the pills. Aaron could just be a simple link in the chain as a favor to his older brother.

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At the very least, Aaron sounds like an enabler.

The criminal complaint says Aaron Boogaard told police he gave his brother a single oxycodone pill before going out to several clubs May 12. Aaron Boogaard said he had been holding Oxycontin and Percocet pills for his brother.

Aaron Boogaard said his brother had just been released from chemical dependency treatment the day before and that he knew when he gave him the pill he was not in pain, according to the complaint.

"The Defendant said that it appeared D.L.B. was celebrating and intended to go on a 'binger,' " the complaint said.

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At the very least, Aaron sounds like an enabler.

Holy shit. Can you imagine the criminal charges laid on top of the guilt laid on top of the grief? The guilt for giving his brother drugs alone would crush you, you would think.

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