kosydar 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 woah...from 3000:1 to 2000:1? that's nuts. I think I'm investin...ok...unless you've been to beijing you ain't seen shit driving. There's lines on the ground, but no-one follows them. Taxi drivers are the worst...being in a taxi's like riding a frickin roller coaster. Mexican taxi drivers scare the shit out of me. When I was in Mazatlan last summer, all the taxis in town are little golf cart type things, but they can easily go over 50 mph. Its some freaky shit riding in one of those in traffic at 3 in the morning when you've had a little too much to drink. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beaucoup_fish 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 woah...from 3000:1 to 2000:1? that's nuts. I think I'm investin...ok...unless you've been to beijing you ain't seen shit driving. There's lines on the ground, but no-one follows them. Taxi drivers are the worst...being in a taxi's like riding a frickin roller coaster. :lol: You think the drivers are the ones to be worried about?! Nonono, my friend, the bicycle riders are the real maniacs. If anyone has ever been to China, they'll know what I'm talking about. Cyclists there ride like they're in the full shell of a car and fight for space with the motorists. It takes real balls to be a cyclist in China. Fuck, it takes balls to walk across the street in China. It's not like over in North Am where (most) people actually care if they hit a pedestrian. Over there, anything goes and I'll be damned if I let a pedestrian get in the way. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 Plus Mexico has all those goddamn VW Bugs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 They're called Mexican Porsches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 I forget the exact number, but when we'd go down to mexico city for baseball we'd count them for a minute. I think it was over 100 though, just a brutal city. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 I've never been to Mexico City, but theres still a shitload of them in Cabo, Mazatlan, and the other tourist places. Whats almost as bad is the chain gangs of ATVs that go through the cities. The last Spring Break I was down there, we saw the typical group of tourists driving them through town, heading towards the dunes. Towards the back was a group of frat guys who were drunk as hell and one of them taped a big blow up doll to his ATV. It was pretty amusing watching him get pulled over by the Mexican police and getting thrown in the back of their car while his friends all speed away. Knowing the Mexican justice system, he is probably still incarcerated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 Oh crap, that'd be about the last place I'd want to be tossed in jail. My sister was a hotel away from when the Max Factor heir was arrested down there and said it was just a total crapfest after that. I'd still opt for Jamaica. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kosydar 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 My teacher went to Kingston and said that the locals aren't too friendly to whitey there. I wouldn't mind going to some of the smaller beach towns though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mack 44 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 Some places aren't, but that's how all foreign places are. Just drink some...damn, what was it called, it was their local moonshine...well drink some of that with the locals and you're golden. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDE3 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 Miami is nuts. Whenever I go back down there I can't help but to drive crazy - trying to avoid everyone else.NYC is a bitch to drive in. Narrow lanes and crazy drivers. Honestly, if you can drive in NYC, you can drive anywhere. LOL....I beg to differ.....if you think Miami, or NYC is bad,,try drving in Sao Paulo..(or for that matter almost any South American/Carribean country or city or has been mentioned, many oriental countries)...why do you think they produce so many natural Formula one, or Indy drivers????...Improvisational driving at it's best is just a day to day thing. Driving in any developing country is always an adventure...We have the luxury of a population which started to drive in cars that barely did 10 mph, and gradually grew up with speed and some sort of sense of the basic rules of the road. The same process is taking place in many other countries, but without much in the way of history of the "rules of the road", and in cars which can do 100+ mph, on roads which were not designed to carry automobiles in the first place. Getting there....faster...is the first and usually the only rule..no matter what you are driving....and "safety" is just another word for "slow" or "chicken". A sense that "life is cheap" is never driven home more quickly than a quick trip through any of these places behind the wheel. I'll never forget the image when down in Brazil one time, of a passenger on a public bus, having an animated conversation with another passenger, as the bus carreened around a 90 degree turn, almost on two wheels....The passenger was gesturing vigorously with one hand and holding on to the pole in the door of the bus with the other....his feet were sticking straight out at 90 degrees to the ground as the bus went round the corner. As far as drivers being better or worse in the US or Canada....frankly I cannot tell the difference....really just depends on where you are..some local habits vary a bit, but overall...not too much different. Montreal used to be pretty hairy 30 years ago, but has toned down a lot .....if you weren't doing 90 - 100 mph on the Bonaventure into the heart of the city, all the buses would blow you off the road. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 I lived in a Caribbean country for 7 yrs. I know bad driving. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GekigangarIII 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 I lived in a Caribbean country for 7 yrs. I know bad driving. I hear that.. a cab ride down there is seriously putting your life in danger. It's unreal. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JR Boucicaut 3804 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 Who said they had cabs?That's a cab in Dominican Republic. LOL...I have seen 8 people on a 90cc Honda Cub. No lie. 5 sitting on it, three kids held out to the side. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
beaucoup_fish 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 I was on a bus in the Bahamas once...it was fine until I dropped my roll of quarters...trying to pick it up was an adventure... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MDE3 0 Report post Posted November 16, 2004 Who said they had cabs?That's a cab in Dominican Republic. LOL...I have seen 8 people on a 90cc Honda Cub. No lie. 5 sitting on it, three kids held out to the side. It's the guys/girls on those little Honda's with (2) full 50 lb propane tanks (one strapped to their back, and one sideways across the seat) cutting through traffic that got my attention...they even drive like their immune..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
asdfa 0 Report post Posted November 17, 2004 when i went back to china last year, we were riding in army car and we missed and exit for a town, with the next exit like 20 miles away in another town, so what the driver does is, he pulls over to the farthest lane on the right and starts backing up on the highway at like 40 miles an hour (its not that fast but we were going backwards). And i most of the cab rides i've been on, i always ended up giong on the wrong side of the street because for some reason, it was the only way to turn left <_<EDIT: hey, three hundred posts, that's 1/200 the number of chadds :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites