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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How tall is your stick?

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As someone who messes around with his stick height constantly, my advice to you would be to cut your stick arond the avg. and just get used to it. I mean realistically, one inch shorter or longer probably isnt gonna make a huge difference. Just go with what you feel confident with and get used to it

Well, It's at the average right now....I'll toy around with it (cut it down an inch or half inch) and see what happens.

Thanks for the feedback, everyone! :)

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Middle of neck of skates. I can't seem to find the right lie tho, I love that length for defence.

If the tape on my stick wears on the heel, and I am using a 5 lie, does that mean i need a 5.5 or 4.5?

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My stick comes to just below my bottom lip in shoes, but it's still the longest stick on my team. I'm about 6'2", but so are a couple of other guys on the team. I tried a shorter stick to improve my stick handling, but found it just screwed up my shooting without giving much benefit, plus it cut down my reach (I play D).

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yea kovy ribs..yr pic was the pic that i was talking about....do yu think it comes up to his collarbone...his arm is in the way and its distracting me...im just makin sure....not that its a big deal or anything :wacko:

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yea kovy ribs..yr pic was the pic that i was talking about....do yu think it comes up to his collarbone...his arm is in the way and its distracting me...im just makin sure....not that its a big deal or anything  :wacko:

I'd say a bit lower his collarbone...

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Kovalchuk uses his sticks cut right above his chin on skates.

I hear Zherdev uses one of the longest sticks in the league. I heard somewhere right around the middle of his nose.

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