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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer P14 Curve

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I was looking into getting a blade or a stick with the P14 pattern since it has come to retail(harrow now carries it as well). I've always used Sakic-ish curves (Sakic, P92, P87A, TPS Nash, Harrow #6, Eaves Prostock) without any fuss moving between them. I've looked at the P14 and it looks somewhat similar. If i were to switch to this pattern what kind of changes could i expect? (shooting,passing, stick handling ect) I know everyones experience with curves are different but i'm just looking to get feedback and peoples experience (good/bad) with this curve. Thanks!

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P14 is kinda like a smaller P92, shorter and shallower. To my eye the curve on P92 starts a little bit earlier.

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imo, the p14 is a curve that is very easy to get used to. It is a bit more toey than the sakic, and is a shooters blade. reminds me of the datsyuk if anything.

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More of a Toe curve than the p92 and is shorter.

The Lie is completely different though, the p14 is a 5lie (tops), so you'll have to make your sticks longer (if the p92 gives you even wear on the blade).

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It's also got the rockered toe so you can pull it closer and shoot in tight. Cool blade, reminds me of the Hull pro curve.

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Fantastic curve, highly recommend it. I got it right when it was first hitting lhs's, if not a little earlier. I was looking to pick up a new stick and my friend that works there handed me a xxxx stick 'um with the p14. He said he'd never seen the curve before and thinks they might have sent it by mistake. Wicked toe curve so of course I picked it up. Love it. Like others have said, it's a great shooters curve and I felt I could stickhandle with it better. I'm very pumped it's an actual retail curve now so I can buy more!!!

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