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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bauer xx and xn10 pro-stock

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I am looking at sticks right now before the season starts and i have chosen between 2 bauer xx gagne and xn10 pro-stock sullivan. I am used to recchis curve and looking at gagnes they looked the same but i dont remeber what the number was on it. I use a regular flex and sullivans a whip are pro-stocks flexes different. I never tryed a whip but regular is perfect for me and would reguler be 102 flex for bauerxx.

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If you're looking at the Sullivans at 1800 or Peranis, they're actually a SW (Stiff Whip) flex and are also Response+'s painted like XN10's. At least the two I recently got were.

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I am looking at sticks right now before the season starts and i have chosen between 2 bauer xx gagne and xn10 pro-stock sullivan. I am used to recchis curve and looking at gagnes they looked the same but i dont remeber what the number was on it. I use a regular flex and sullivans a whip are pro-stocks flexes different. I never tryed a whip but regular is perfect for me and would reguler be 102 flex for bauerxx.

The Gagne pattern isn't that close to the Recchi. The Gagne is a clone of the Shanahan composite pattern while the Recchi is closer to an Iginla.

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The 1800faceoff sticks are a little different. They have just a little extra twist right at the toe.

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I hmm they looked close to me and i dont mind trying new curves mabey ill like but i will have to try it. Whats the number on the gagne though because no sites say gagne when your looking for the curve they have letter and number

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I hmm they looked close to me and i dont mind trying new curves mabey ill like but i will have to try it. Whats the number on the gagne though because no sites say gagne when your looking for the curve they have letter and number


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I'd rather go for the Xn10. I doubt you're gonna want the Vapor XX much in the not too distant future when the Vapor XXX comes out.

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