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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wayne Simmonds Hit With Banana During Shootout

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Unless you were to go ask every person in the world today what it means to them you can't really argue otherwise. I feel the same way about the flag and swastika as you guys do, but who are we do speak for other people and how they feel. You have to look at it from all views.

There's a difference between protecting the rights of the minority and the super minority in a democratic society. In other words, if we have to ask every person in the country for their opinion, and then protect the .00001 percent that believe something, we wouldn't be able to function properly. They'll be able to maintain their opinions, but they'll have to accept the views of the 99.9999% other citizens are counter to theirs.

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To MILLIONS and MILLIONS of people, the 'OK' sign (index finger and thumb making a circle) means 'OK!' but to millions of others it means 'homosexual' depending on the culture (s. american and m. eastern for example)

so who gets to own it?

and...to ruin this topic, I know many black people who are rather pissed that 'homophobia' has usurped/annexed the cause of ending racism. In their eyes (and mine) this charade of 'homophobic' = 'racism' is wrong. While I will never view race as a 'perverse lifestyle' I sure feel that way about homosexuality, one is moral, the other is not

I suppose I wait on my forum ban now :(

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I am not saying it's right or wrong but people what Simmonds said to Avery I hear it every game I play. People always use homophobic comments and call people a female genitalia or other unkind words. The ones who get offended by it are the ones who the player saying it would be getting under the skin of. I never understood why anyone cared what any player said to them on the ice since it means nothing on or outside of the game.

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While I will never view race as a 'perverse lifestyle' I sure feel that way about homosexuality, one is moral, the other is not

Seriously?! I'm at a loss for words. However, you are entitled to your beliefs so long as they don't interfere with anyone else's.

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And this is why we don't have deep discussions on this website, some people just can't handle it.

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