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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone here an Actuary?

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Im considering a career change in the next year, this is one of the fields Im considering. I have an economics and international relations background, stats and other math arent a problem for me. Anyone in this field or know anyone in this field? Do you/they like it?

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yah, a buddy of mine is in it and his mom is an actuary. He says that it's a ridiculous amount of work but you make lots of money. He goes to University of Waterloo

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A guy who worked for me had been studyong for a degree in that but changed to IT. One of his buddies is in the field.

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One of my buddies is an actuary and other then the tests being hard and you have to study ridiculously for them, he enjoys it. The money is good, you get more money with each test you pass basically too. He also still has time to play hockey which is obviously very important to me.

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A friend of mine used to work in the WTC but then moved down to Philly a few months after 9/11. He seems to like it and makes good money.

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