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Oakley pro straight visor differences

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I'm looking for some help with the differences between the Oakley pro straight visors VR903 and VR904. I can see the size difference in product photos but it's hard to actually grasp how much of the face each one covers.

Can someone direct me to some better info on coverage? Or alternatively, point me in the direction of NHL players, each wearing their respective shields. I can look for their pictures and compare.


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Crosby is easily the most recognizable wearing the VR904, Malkin and Getzlaf are also using it this season. Off the top of my head Ovechkin, Semin, Kopitar all wear the VR903, although Ovechkin may be using Bauer's version of it now with his new deal, haven't checked.

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Yeah Ovi in the Bauer Tinted Pro Straight Cut.

There's not a lot of difference, but enough that you can notice when you look. 904 is straight as can be, when the 903 is more "bowed" might be the word, had more curvature to it.

Crosby is 904


Semin in 903


That curved cut covers a bit more in the front of the face directly in the middle.

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Ok. I think I see it now. I went searching around the net and found it really hard to see the difference. So the 903 is more curved and bowed outwards. The coverage looks about the same.

So is the choice a more curved lens with less visual distortion?

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Ok. I think I see it now. I went searching around the net and found it really hard to see the difference. So the 903 is more curved and bowed outwards. The coverage looks about the same.

So is the choice a more curved lens with less visual distortion?

Sorry, bowed may have been the wrong word. The 903 has a bit more coverage as instead of being cut straight across the bottom, it curves down a little. As you can see in the Semin photo, it covers down a bit more on the nose than Crosby's. If the difference doesn't look like much, Crosby's helmet is also lower on his forehead.

Sorry about my wording there, that was a really bad choice.

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So what everyone is saying is the 903's bottom cut is more of a curve, hence the vertical distance is longer than the 904. By god, I think he's got it!

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Easiest way for me to describe the two is the 904 is the same as a 903 except they shave 3/4" from the bottom. I have played using both and prefer the 904 'small straight' over the 903.

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