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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior/ Reebok Stick Lie

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I've been using the 11K Duchene ( P42, lie 5) and am thinking of trying some Warrior Dynasty's or maybe an RS. I'm 5'9, use a short stick and have been happy with the 5 lie. Is the Warrior's lie the same? Just seems weird that they only offer 5 and mostly 4's so I'd thought I'd ask.


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All companies seem to measure their lies differently, Warrior seems to be the most different from the others. I believe with the Warrior pattern closest to the Duchene that you would want to go with a 4 lie.

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Best bet, especially with switching to Warrior, is to line them up side by side to find the one that works.

This. Another thing you could do is grab a (pair of) display skate, put your foot in them (doesn't have to fit) and get into a 'skating' or 'ready position' and gauge the lies from that.

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I use the warrior blades because they are the only senoir blade with a 4 Lie. I use the dolamite spyne savard pattern which is a 3/8 mid. -the same bauer pattern in a Bauer supreme PM9 with a 5 Lie. You can see the difference in wear along the bottom of the blade when i used them. the PM9 has more heel wear, the warrior has more even wear along the blade. Im 5-9 with out skates,slight deep knee bend when skating. Im pretty sure there is a differance in Lie with the warrior blades.

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I'm pretty picky about my patterns and I can say with good confidence that the Warrior Burrows/Savard, Bauer PM9 Stamkos and Easton Zetterberg/Cammalleri are all very, very close to one another. The lies are almost exactly identical. You should be able to switch to them from the Duchene, which I'm pretty sure is another clone of those curves (I've never used CCM or RBK), without any problems. Sher-wood has the Bouchard, but it is a little different and the lie is about 5.5 on the Easton scale. I also found the Warrior Gionta to be a relatively easy transition as it is also a 5 lie (labelled 4) and the blade length is very close.

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iceburg- good to hear. i have pretty even wear with the Duchene but a little more on the heel. When I was using the Easton 5.5 lie pucks were literally going under the toe. I'm happy with the Duchene, but if I could level it off a little I'd be stoked.


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easttide, I feel the same way about how to level that blade out. we used to do that with the wood blades but the composite blades are what they are . I was hoping some of the other hockey companies would go with a 4 lie and give more options with your blade choices.

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