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Goalies not showing up during pickup games

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Don't you hate it when you go play pickup hockey and one or both goalies don't show up and you've got to resort to flipping the goal over? Ahhh.

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We've played posts. We've also tired turning the net around and having to bank it in off the back boards. We tied a jersey up once when a goalie was late and still getting dressed

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I've played posts and also they have these rings they hang in the upper corners that we use some times but we haven't used those in a long time. I've never done the flipping the goal thing but I've only been playing a few years.

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The only thing worse than not having a goalie show up is having someone say "I can get a goalie" and it ends up being his kid brother.

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When he doesn't show, do you skate 6 guys? I remember a spring league bantam game my kid was in where their goalie did not show until 1/2 way thru a game. They skated 6 guys as we watched cringing. They won the game 7 to 0.

Now granted, the team they were skating against was not the Boston Bruins, but the need for a goalie is somewhat overrated. One of the extra players stays back and can usually clear the puck before anyone comes close to the blue line! Try it sometime.

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Try tying a jersey in the middle of the cross bar, so it hangs down the middle of the goal, so that to score you have to hit the shirt. It is not as easy as you think.

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Try tying a jersey in the middle of the cross bar, so it hangs down the middle of the goal, so that to score you have to hit the shirt. It is not as easy as you think.

Yeah I thought pipes would be easy because everytime there's a goalie in there I hit em no problem, but take the goalie out and its another story :lol:

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I get my juniors sometimes just as a drill to shoot for empty soup cans on the corners. When one of them hits it they get to allocate 5 pushups to another player on the team. Even get the goalies shooting with their GK stick! Its a crack up watching the best shooter give everyone pushups. Then the kids gang up on him and you have the whole team trying to allocate pushups to the "Sniper".

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