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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bake and Clamp Graf G3 to tighten heel pocket

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Just got a sweet deal of Graf G3s, size 9.5 Narrow. The length is perfect, but there is too much wiggle room in the heels. My buddy at our skate shop, recommends baking the skate again and then putting the heel in a clamp so that the heel is even tighter. I have a pair of 703s (regular width) and they do a decent job of locking my heel in place. Has anyone baked a graf skate and then clamped a part of it to get a snugger fit? It seems to me that the best bet would be to get a skate that hugs your ankle right out of the box, without any modifications (e.g, Graf 703). Any thoughts?

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If they are new the padding will soften up and the heel will get wider. Anything you do to change the fit will be temporary, at best.

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Thanks for the replies. I also used to think that the G3 and 703 have the same fit, but they don't. Even though they use the same last, the G3 is definitely wider, especially in the heel. Also, the 703 has pads that hug the ankle, which are absent in the G3. That's why a 9.5 NARROW G3 is still wider than a 703 regular. Oh well. As for the baking, with the grafs I thought it was the external panels that mold, so that even if the padding gets packed in, the shape should be retained. Finally, $50 socks are kinda pricey for a good fit. I'd rather get a pair of skates that fit right.

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I'd say my skates are the total opposite of yours. I have both... a pair of standard-width G3's in a size 9 and a pair of wide 703's in an 8.5. Fit is VERY similar in the heel... no difference IMO. My toes are snug in the G3's but have a little more room in the 703's.

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