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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Helmet squeezes

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Hey, I use a medium 7K rbk helmet.

It's about 2 years old, but I've never played with it in a game - so it's brand new still.

When I put it on today, i noticed above my ears around the temple area, it squeezes a bit tight. The RBK Large helmets were too big, mediums were just snug - and I have it adjusted to it's loosest setting... Is this normal for it to squeeze?

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It should be snug enough to do its job, but it shouldn't cause pain. My 5100 was tight enough to cause a little pain after about an hour, so I just kept stretching it by hand before every use. I also had a small dumbbell that I wedged between the places that contact the temples, pushing them apart a couple more inches. I'd leave that overnight occasionally. Now it fits about right, and I don't have to do any of that any more.

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It should be snug enough to do its job, but it shouldn't cause pain. My 5100 was tight enough to cause a little pain after about an hour, so I just kept stretching it by hand before every use. I also had a small dumbbell that I wedged between the places that contact the temples, pushing them apart a couple more inches. I'd leave that overnight occasionally. Now it fits about right, and I don't have to do any of that any more.

Yeah it causes a little pain, not major though. I noticed that I have to keep stretching it out side ways to relieve the tightness of it. Otherwise, it's a great helmet.

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It should be snug enough to do its job, but it shouldn't cause pain. My 5100 was tight enough to cause a little pain after about an hour, so I just kept stretching it by hand before every use. I also had a small dumbbell that I wedged between the places that contact the temples, pushing them apart a couple more inches. I'd leave that overnight occasionally. Now it fits about right, and I don't have to do any of that any more.

I'm going to vouch for this too, except I had to do it with my 4K helmet. You might not be able to stretch /compact the foams in your 7K though, as it's harder EPP.

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I'm going to vouch for this too, except I had to do it with my 4K helmet. You might not be able to stretch /compact the foams in your 7K though, as it's harder EPP.

Yeah it's thin little foam, I just have to pull the sides every little bit to loosen/alleviate the snugness around my temples.

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Honestly sounds like the helmet is not wide enough for your head. I would go try on some other brands to see if there is something out there that fits you better.

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I'm going to vouch for this too, except I had to do it with my 4K helmet. You might not be able to stretch /compact the foams in your 7K though, as it's harder EPP.

I really didn't do anything to the foam; I widened the shell slightly at that point.

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Honestly sounds like the helmet is not wide enough for your head. I would go try on some other brands to see if there is something out there that fits you better.

This. /thread

If it doesn't fit, it doesn't fit. Don't mess with the foams

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