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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Widow (Grip vs Clear...

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I know it's personal preference but what are your opinions on Warrior's Nipple Grip vs. the clear matte finish of the Widow? To give you background...I mostly am a wrist/snap shot kind of guy. Play forward/winger.

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I've never used grip, but tried the Dynasty with grip at WF, and it was annoying. My hand wouldn't slide where I wanted it to. I've never had trouble with my grip, so I just don't get the need for putting something on the stick to slow the repositioning of my hand.

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Playing Defence I prefer Grip to help on my poke check and what not (considerable difference) but when I play forward I want to be able to move my hand smoothly down the shaft.

Ya that sounds dirty as hell, but that's the truth.

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I am not a fan of sticky grips, but I do like tactile grips, like the nipple grip. I went with the raised corner option on my widow and I love it in conjunction with the velvet.

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I have used the nipple grip on my Dolo and I sanded it down a touch to get what I wanted.

On the Diablo I'm using now I got the clear which is still a little bit tacky so I may hit it with some sand paper too.

So to answer your question.........I'd go with the matte

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IMO, the velvet grip that warrior offers is amazing, not too grippy and not too smooth, just enough that you need to still be able to slide your hand up and down without it obstructing natural movement, but as everyone has stated it is all about personal preference. try to actually mess around with a few sticks at your LHS before buying

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Playing Defence I prefer Grip to help on my poke check and what not (considerable difference) but when I play forward I want to be able to move my hand smoothly down the shaft.

Ya that sounds dirty as hell.

You can say that again!!!

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