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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mickey Sparks

shaft/blade combo question

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I'm looking at a new stick and combo and curious if it would be possible to use a Bauer Total One Tapered shaft with a Warrior Dynasty Tapered blade? The shaft shows .520 but I can't find what the blade is. Thanks.

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I'm looking at a new stick and combo and curious if it would be possible to use a Bauer Total One Tapered shaft with a Warrior Dynasty Tapered blade? The shaft shows .520 but I can't find what the blade is. Thanks.

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I'm assuming you know this already but I figured I'd say it anyway. The only place that sells tapered TotalOne shafts is pure hockey. All other venders TO shafts are standard.

As to the original question. I've never had a real problem mismatching one brand shaft with another brand blade. Once you install the blade, make sure you check to see if it wiggles at all. Sometimes you have to shim the blade tennon with some tape to get it snug.

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Given that you do indeed get the tapered version of the Total One shaft from Pure Hockey (the regular Total One shaft is standard/not tapered), the Warrior blade will fit it.

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