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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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roberts SMU

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Just thinking about buying a blade for my inno shaft and i was wondering if anyone could give me a good description of the curve or even a pic. thanx...btw i tried searching to save the hastle, but apparently i couldnt work it or there were no results for the search. thanx again

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I thought it was the same as his Pro curve? It may not be, but this is for the Inno SMU?

Roberts Pro

His pro curve was the same as the Inno Hull retail. I have no idea about the SMU.

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the smu roberts is a brendl (tps) clone except it has an almost squarish toe. Thats the only difference. I believe its the Nash inno retail too.

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What's this blade good for? It doesn't look like a good wrister blade at all.

Dude, you've been here long enough to know that what you've just said doesn't make any sense at all.

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What's this blade good for? It doesn't look like a good wrister blade at all.

Dude, you've been here long enough to know that what you've just said doesn't make any sense at all.

How doesn't that make sense? If you look on epuck or epinions each curve has a description describing what each curve excells at. That's all I was asking. I know "It's all personal pref" but I believe the curve/lie/loft all haveunique qualities they excell at.

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What's this blade good for? It doesn't look like a good wrister blade at all.

Dude, you've been here long enough to know that what you've just said doesn't make any sense at all.

How doesn't that make sense? If you look on epuck or epinions each curve has a description describing what each curve excells at. That's all I was asking. I know "It's all personal pref" but I believe the curve/lie/loft all haveunique qualities they excell at.

saying a curve excells at anything is bunk.

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What's this blade good for? It doesn't look like a good wrister blade at all.

Dude, you've been here long enough to know that what you've just said doesn't make any sense at all.

How doesn't that make sense? If you look on epuck or epinions each curve has a description describing what each curve excells at. That's all I was asking. I know "It's all personal pref" but I believe the curve/lie/loft all haveunique qualities they excell at.

saying a curve excells at anything is bunk.


Prepare for foot insertion into your mouth..... I guess your comment would mean that all curves are good and you would never complain???? :o :o

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That wouldn't be it either because saying one particular curve is good for a certain thing is a blanket statement. Someone may have a better wrister with a wedge than they would with a banana.

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Prepare for foot insertion into your mouth..... I guess your comment would mean that all curves are good and you would never complain????

No curve is good or bad, it just is. It doesn't mean I would use any curve. Besides, I complain about everything. :P

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