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Chicago Area Mens League Players - Locker Room Theft

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Just got this from AHAI

It has come to our attention there has been a rash of thefts out of locker rooms during games and practices. (IPhones and cash).

Last Saturday, both at Darien and IIC there were locker room robberies during games, most likely by two men with hockey bags pretending to go to the next locker room.

The police said they've been getting called out often on a rash of these incidences.

Just as a heads up, we urge all teams to make sure all doors to their locker rooms are locked at all times (practices and games) to avoid any future problems. If you notice any suspicious activity, please contact your rink personnel or local police.

Thank you,

AHAI Board of Directors

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Thanks for sharing this! I just started playing at Romeoville and our locker rooms are always left unlocked, but never thought about random people going in. I will leave my stuff in the car from now on.

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Just another reason to never bring my wallet or phone into the rink with me. If I need my phone after the game I'll run down to my car and get it.

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Just because I'm dumb and don't follow my own advice I'm bumping this thread.

Got $30 stolen out of my wallet last night at All Seasons.

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Just another reason to never bring my wallet or phone into the rink with me. If I need my phone after the game I'll run down to my car and get it.

Yup. I only bring my license and insurance card with me to games

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We had a kid who used to go in to the locker rooms during pickup and take $ out of certain players wallets he didn't like. We knew it was a teen because he didn't go after the corporate cards,etc that were in the wallets.

Anyway I had a $20 bill that had the following written on it "my name is xxxx and I like to steal shit"

Then when he disappeared into the locker room we called the cops and when asked to prove it....just had them check for the $20 in his wallet.

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