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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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tom poti (i think) video

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I'm not so sure that's Tom Poti. Poti's looks a lot taller than that and uses a longer stick (unless that video was taken when he was really young).

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When did Poti play in europe?

Is that a european rink? I was trying to read the board ads but can't tell if they're in English or not.

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AHAHAHAHA thats so freakin hilarious. the head fake. then misses the net. haha wasnt as bad as this kid in my league, who did the kovalchuk arm pump before he shot in the world juniors on canada, well anyways the kid was on a clear cut breakaway. then pumps 1 arm. then shoots topshelf too, but he musta had a huge wedge for a blade cause it went right over the glass.

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he was on a clear cut breakaway, when canada was down 1 goal and they pulled their goalie. and kovalchuk got a breakaway, and starting pumping his arms in the air before he even shot it.

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