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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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For Sale Canadiens CCM Gloves

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I've been really getting into the feel of Easton gloves after a friend went and picked up some easton gloves from the Habs sale.

So i have a pair of =

Maxim Lapierre CCM gloves, these are the 4 roll, but aren't the 852s, they absolutely do not feel like 852s, they're more snug and the build is much different more like their 9900 or whatever their new 4 roll gloves are. I personally love them but i would love to sell them to buy Montreal gloves by a different brand. I did a lot of extensive research on these to find the right part of the season he used these up to he was traded i matched them to when they played in the pittsburgh series in the 2010 playoffs since in the pictures is the last time Markov basically played. There is a small hole on the left glove which is my down hand so it's not from me, and he is a righty so there you go.

The gloves were used once by me since last may and have been sanitized and have sat with fabric softener sheets replaced every month to keep them fresh all the time

110 shipped US OBO or trade for pro eastons

130 shipped to Canada OBO








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