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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody move from Grafs to another brand ?

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I do have a question about Grafs. I just got a pair of Ultra G5s for a pretty good price. But after about two months of skating (four to five times a week), the blades seem to have rust on them, near the top of the blade by the plastic runners. I dry off the blades after skating and let them air out in my house, next to my son's skates. He has a Easton S1s. And I used to have a cheapie pair of Bauers. Neither of those ever showed rust and we haven't changed our routine or skating. Is that normal for Grafs or should I contact my LHS where I got it to let them know.

Andy in Peoria

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Thanks, I guess. :) And no, I will not shoot the messenger. Still, I love hte skates. first pair to really fit my feet well. wide mid-foot, big toes and narrow heel. My teammates call me Frodo... :)

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Recently switched from Graf 727s to Easton EQ5s. Noticed that the more neutral profile of the Eastons really disrupted my stride and balance. I had a 1/16" heel lift installed (Thanks JR) and the runners profiled to 9' and they now feel 100% better.

Overally, I like the new skates with the modifications, but wish that Graf would just start making a more modern skate that can compete with other top end skates.

Also, in my opinion, nothing compares to Graf in terms of comfort

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Had 705's and G3's, switched to Vapor XXXX's. Loved the G3's until the carbon fiber sole ripped out TWICE. went back to my old 705s for about a year until I got the 40's. Love the stiffness and weight of the 40s. But I miss the forward pitch and the graf's fit my foot a little better. but Graf's QC has been so shitty since the split that I don't think it's even worth it to go back to them,

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