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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate sharpening overgrind

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after a few sharpenings on my my recent s17 skates, i noticed that the front of the blade seems to have been passed much more than the heel. my skating feels a bit different and i find my skates to wobble much more than usual. I spoke about it with the shop that does my skates, and he replied something of the sort of : 'it is not an issue the front and back of the blade is only for aesthetics and i need a profiling'. I am pretty sure that he is bs'me real hard and that such a sharpening is not normal because i have had many pairs of skates and never seen such a difference of steel, but i am no expert and might be wrong so i want to confirm with fellow mhs members that i am right and something is wrong in the sharpening and how to adress it. pics for reference.


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if thats the case, is it normal that less steel makes contact with the ice in the front section of the blade? look where the screws are for reference

Looks like it's just a bit more forward pitched than a CCM. I've never skated on Eastons, so I'm not sure what is or isn't normal as far as stock radius, but it doesn't look noticeably bad to me.

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It could be the sharpeners start grinding the front, then just go straight across the steel without rounding the back.

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I'm with jimmy on this; that's the contour of Easton runners.

It could be the sharpeners start grinding the front, then just go straight across the steel without rounding the back.

That is actually a very good thing.

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That is actually a very good thing.

I've heard so many ways to sharpen skates over my 4 years as a sharpener, I dont know what's right anymore.

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I've heard so many ways to sharpen skates over my 4 years as a sharpener, I dont know what's right anymore.

It really doesn't matter, you can go opposite direction of turning stone with light pressure or with stone direction with normal pressure. As long as your technique is steady, it really doesn't matter. I prefer heel to toe, but have been known to do toe to heel, just to mix things up so i don't get bored. :-)

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