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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What flex for what weight?

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Found 2 pro stock Hossa sticks. One, (SE16 100 FLEX) or, (CCM U+ CL 85 FLEX), I weigh 166 pounds (15 years old), what would be the better option since I can't really "test" them out? The SE16 looks dirty, then again, it's a little stiff. Thanks.



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There's a starting guideline out there that flex should be around half your weight, and there's another one out there that flex should be in accordance to height. IMO, you should consider both guidelines, but that flex is ultimately dependant on the person using it. However for yourself, I wouldn't consider going for more than 85 flex and wouldn't settle exclusively for 85 flex until you have tried something in the 75-85 range.

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You know the second picture is a BASE hockey stick and isn't pro stock right? Also, no one will be able to tell you what flex to use. It's all personal preference. I got about 50 pounds on you and I use anywhere from 70-85 flexes.

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You know the second picture is a BASE hockey stick that isn't pro stock right? Also, no one will be able to tell you what flex to use. It's all personal preference. I got about 50 pounds on you and I use anywhere from 70-85 flexes.

Just looked into it and it says this "Hossa landed at an arrangement with CCM and this piece comes from the resulting batch of overstock units." Yes, it is made by BASE. Dissapointing... How would I know if the CCM is a "true" pro-stock? This is the first pro stock stick I'm buying, so I'm new to this. Thanks.

There's a starting guideline out there that flex should be around half your weight, and there's another one out there that flex should be in accordance to height. IMO, you should consider both guidelines, but that flex is ultimately dependant on the person using it. However for yourself, I wouldn't consider going for more than 85 flex and wouldn't settle exclusively for 85 flex until you have tried something in the 75-85 range.


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Seeing as you already purchased both, just get on the ice and try them both out and see which feels best. You'll know which one to go with after one night...

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Seeing as you already purchased both, just get on the ice and try them both out and see which feels best. You'll know which one to go with after one night...

I didn't purchase any of them. They're on Ebay. I'm having trouble choosing one, though. Seeing as the "SE16" is actually BASE, I'll go with the CCM probably.

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there is no magic formula, it's also a good reason why you should buy sticks based off your personal experience and not randomly buying stuff because it is "pro stock"

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I had a 67 flex intermediate... I'm 5'9 240lbs (well, 208 now... 240 at the time though). Boy, that was fun!

Now using 75 flex senior.

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I am 300 lbs. and I use an 87 flex apx with 5 inches added so it must play close to 70. Wicked wrist shots and my slap shot is harder than it ever has been.

I would go with the CCM over the base, but that is just my opinion.

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Agree with everyone on here, its all feel! I'm 5'11" and 190 and I just switched to a 75, and can unload my wrister! Back in HS when i was like 140lbs I used the Easton Griplite at 110 flex and just liked that feel on that better at the time

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there is no magic formula, it's also a good reason why you should buy sticks based off your personal experience and not randomly buying stuff because it is "pro stock"

This is my first pro stock stick. I'm simply trying to find something different other than a Backstrom, ( only curve I really like)

Agree with everyone on here, its all feel! I'm 5'11" and 190 and I just switched to a 75, and can unload my wrister! Back in HS when i was like 140lbs I used the Easton Griplite at 110 flex and just liked that feel on that better at the time

Thanks man

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I'm 5'7" 136 lbs and use an X60 77 flex cut down to about 90. It feels a tad stiff. The 67 flex intermediate feels just a bit too springy for me. On the other hand, I have a player who is shorter and lighter than myself and uses a 102 flex X50 and absolutely rips shots. It's all in the technique, I'd say.

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We already have several topics on what flex people are using and their size. Since this is turning into a duplicate topic, it's time to close.

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