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Shin Gaurd Inside Padding Help! Reebok/Jofa

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So I have Reebok 10k Shin Gaurds and besides the fact they don't vent very well compaired to some others they are by far the best protecting shin guard out there IMO. And I have tried the all. Anyways the removable inside pad on them is very worn at the bottom, material is ripped and the pad is worn down. The rest of the pads are in great shape. Does anyone know if you can get replaceable paded inserts? I would really like to get the older Jofa style insert that was mesh material. A lot more breathablity and not so hot? Thanks

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It will be next to impossible to find the padded mesh insert without buying a new set of pads. Either way Ebay is your best bet. I have been able to find all reebok/jofa pads at reasonable prices if you wait and pull the trigger whenever you find a pair. Hope this helps.

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tooomey, tried to send you a PM but couldnt get thru?

Not sure why either?

Mods, reason for this?

email me toomey@charter.net

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So I have Reebok 10k Shin Gaurds and besides the fact they don't vent very well compaired to some others they are by far the best protecting shin guard out there IMO. And I have tried the all. Anyways the removable inside pad on them is very worn at the bottom, material is ripped and the pad is worn down. The rest of the pads are in great shape. Does anyone know if you can get replaceable paded inserts? I would really like to get the older Jofa style insert that was mesh material. A lot more breathablity and not so hot? Thanks

I went down this road a lil while back when I bought a pair of jofas with no liner, so I called reebok to see if I could get a pair, they said I needed an account, so I went to my LHS to see if he could help me out but they never called me back to let me know what happen, so if u have a good LHS with an account at reebok u can try that out. But odds are u won't find the jofa style liners or even the reebok as iv never seen a pair for sale.

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some shops in Sweden and Czech still have them, but hard to find...but as Jofas inserts are fixed with velcros...? I got some TPS R10 inserts in my Jofas, no problems...!

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