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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Sharpeners, when did you first start?

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Hey guys,

So when did you guys first start sharpening skates? Where you nervous or already pro? Please share your first experience!

I don't sharpen skates yet, but it truly is something I want to be able to master as soon as I can!

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Started about 8 years ago - was initially nervous with everything, then got used to it. Sharpened for about 2 years - was really comfortable at the end.

Recently started to learn again on a different type of system - I'm nervous again, not with the theory, but getting the feel for the machine operation, motion and technique.

It's definitely an "art" rather than a "skill". You can show someone "how" to sharpen skates, but they don't really learn until they've got a feel for it and had some time in the trenches.

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I agree with Dave. Everybody does it a little different here and there, some guys like a really slow final pass and some a few faster ones(I find the slower ones leave a much better finish). But if you do start to sharpen skates in a store treat every skate the same and do just as good a job on them, doesnt matter if they have x1.0s or apxs. Take your time and get your edges level. Practice makes perfect. I was nervous the first time I did my own skates, but thats the best test.

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I was nervous the first time I did my own skates, but thats the best test.


IMO - If you're not confidently sharpening your own skates, you shouldn't be sharpening for others.

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I started 13 years ago. I got a job at the local rink my freshman year of college and they taught me to sharpen skates. I sharpened for my team all four years I was there. After school I worked at a hockey shop for 3 years. That is when I really learned about some of the finer points of sharpening...and how to do it really fast on those high volume Saturdays. I'm currently working for a DI women's hockey team.

Practice makes perfect. I am in the tens of thousands as far as number of pairs sharpened at this point. It has become second nature to me. You need to practice a lot, and I agree with Dave that it is an art rather than a skill. Anyone can hack out a crappy edge, but you really need to work to create a sharp, level, and smooth edge.

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IMO - If you're not confidently sharpening your own skates, you shouldn't be sharpening for others.

best advice ever!

I did it for 3 years in High School and a few in college, havent touched a pair in many years but i remember they had me sharpen about 40 pairs of older rental skate to learn on, then my first real pair I had to do my own! The guy who ran the shop was pretty good about making sure his employees knew what they were doing!

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IMO - If you're not confidently sharpening your own skates, you shouldn't be sharpening for others.

Thats how I wanted it. I didnt feel that if I was confident with my own that I should have people paying for me to do them. No need to rush into doing customers skates when you dont even do your own.

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Started when I was 16 at my first job at a PIAS. I no longer work at the store level but I always sharpen my own skates and I have a few guys and their son's skates.

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I have been sharpening skates since 1980. The acid test is sharpening your own skates. I always sharpen every pair like they were my own. I always test for level before I sharpen on skates from a customer I don't recognize. The visiting teams to my rink bring in some pretty messed up skates. It helps to know what condition the blades are in with regard to level before you start. This way when the spark is in a certain spot(high or low) to begin with, I know it's the skate, not me! Sharpening skates well is not difficult. It is a matter of pride.

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