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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Washing footbed?

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I religiously remove the footbed from my skates after every use to dry; however, I've noticed there is still a slow growing odour coming from them.

Can I safely put them in the washing machine to wash? If so, should I stick them in a dryer or allow them to air dry?

Has anyone tried this?



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I follow what Superfeet's website instructs me to do, works like a charm:

Cleaning instructions for your new Superfeet insoles

Hand-wash with a mild soap and lukewarm water to remove light soil. A soft bristle brush (old toothbrush) works well to remove ground-in dirt. Rinse well. Absorb excess water with a soft towel and allow insoles to air dry overnight. DO NOT MACHINE WASH OR DRY. DO NOT AIR DRY NEAR A HEAT SOURCE!

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The Sani-sport cleaning process is great. I get my gear cleaned at least once a year in one of those machines & it gets rid of all odor & leaves my gear with a nice clean scent.

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I have the original X:60 liners in my skates and they were really bad. I just took them in the shower and really scrubed them down with a bar of irish spring soap. It worked out good enough that people arent disgusted to go near them anymore!

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Just wash them in a sink with some soap and water. Let them air dry. Don't put them in a washing machine. There is a good chance the washer will eat them.

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yea second the not putting them in the washing machine. Just rinse them with soap and water. thats what i do and it doesnt hurt them

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