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Taping the wrists

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I've seen a lot of pro players taping their wrists (not to be confussed with "putting on the foil")

I was always told not to do this cos it will actually weaken your wrists.

Anyone out there do it and what do you get from doing it?

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You could try a type of medical tape called "Coban", made by 3M. It's a self adhereing bandage that sticks to itself and not the skin with properties similar to ace bandages.

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I've seen a lot of pro players taping their wrists (not to be confussed with "putting on the foil")

I was always told not to do this cos it will actually weaken your wrists.

Anyone out there do it and what do you get from doing it?

You're right it's not the same as putting on the foil but a lot of guys that I've noticed taping their wrists in the past are fighters. I would imagine to help stabalize your wrist when landing punches so you don't break it.

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You're right it's not the same as putting on the foil but a lot of guys that I've noticed taping their wrists in the past are fighters. I would imagine to help stabalize your wrist when landing punches so you don't break it.

Very true. It seems like fighters like to use tape on the wrist. Football players like to tape the wrists because there is alot of blunt trauma to the wrists, and they need the wrist support... but tape can help prevent injury if someone is hit from behind and goes face first to the boards and brings his/her hands up to protect themselves. But it seems to me that taping the wrists in hockey would possibly reduce the moveability in the wrists, which would also affect stickhandling and shooting.

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