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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Do i have wide feet? Pic Included

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Hey guys,

Just got new One95's...

I was previously using U+ pros but they just haven't felt right for a long time.. I had them in size 9e.

The one95's I have are a 9D. My right foot feels perfect, but my left one is a little snug. Do you guys think I'm wearing the wrong size for my foot?

Will baking solve my issue on the left foot?

Thanks for any help.


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Your foot looks wide to me, but 9D should fit it I would think.

If you haven't already baked your skates once, I would recommend it. My boots have always felt better after baking, wearing for ~30 minutes then letting cool for 24+ hours (so they cool properly and can stiffen up). Wouldn't recommend multiple baking but some guys I know do it.

How snug is a little snug? Painful? You can always try and get them punched out on pressure points at a LHS...

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It's snug... Not too painful... I have one pressure point on the outside of my foot and that's about it... Just wondering if it's possible that punching and other things will work considering the size of my foot and the size of the skates.

Hope I don't get stuck like I did with the u plus's

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If the skates are brand new, the pressure area doesn't hurt, and it just feels more "snug" I'd say your fine. If you haven't baked your skates yet I would highly recommend doing so. This will help the snug area form to your foot and eventually the pressure feeling will (should) go away. I don't bake skates more than twice. Some people say you should only do it once, but I've never had any issues with baking twice. However, the bakings were about 4 days apart. If you trust the guys at your LHS then I'd ask their recommendation on how many times to bake. But if you haven't done it yet....that would be your first step into solving the issue.

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Yeah i guess i'll have to wait and see post bake...my dilemna is once i skate in them...value will drop instantly and if they arent the right skate for me, ill lose big...then again, if i dont try, i will never know..

all comes back to the good ol' wish for the perfect hockey skate.

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Ive tried:

Eastons (S17, Eq50) - Worst fitting skates for me

Reebok (11k) - Not enough volume, good fit out of the box though

Graf (Various models): Some were ok, but wasnt impressed with the pitch

Vapor: Never fit me properly

CCM (U+ pro reloaded): My previous skates, extreme arch pain (tried superfeet)

U+ CL: Felt similar to the reloadeds

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Well...Id go with the bake then. As long as the pressure isn't painful and the rest of your foot feels good you would be fine. A bake will help stretch that area. Then if worse comes to worse you can have your LHS stretch/punch out the area.

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yeah i did but no LHS of mine carries them close...would never buy a skate without trying on first

but yeah i did think about it, who know that could be my magic skate! lol....just dont wanna take a $450 risk

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  On 4/9/2012 at 2:28 AM, Zinger said:

yeah i did but no LHS of mine carries them close...would never buy a skate without trying on first

but yeah i did think about it, who know that could be my magic skate! lol....just dont wanna take a $450 risk

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I completely understand that. I hope your issue gets solved and good luck with the baking.

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You said that you have tried some grafs that fit ok but the pitch was the problem, Have you thought about putting in lifts up front to make it more neutral or profile the steel?

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No I haven't... Didn't even know that could be done.

Too late now I think....just dropped some good coin on these bauers... So ill try to make them work first and if all fails, I like your idea

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Got em baked today and oh man, i`ve never had skates mold to my feet like that....that U+ pro said all this crap about their U foam bla bla...

These were awesome! Barely any more pain on that left foot....i think all that`s left is for me to skate 5-6 times in them...

It`s lookin`good.

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Good to hear! I'd say you should be good now, but if you have any pressure points take them to your LHS and get them to punch it out there, it does wonders.

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just skated in them and they were hurting the outside of my feet...dont know if i should get em re-baked or punched...i heard you can punch out the toe cap btw ^^

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Punches are better for problem spots whereas a stretch is better for a general area spanning the forefoot. You cannot punch out the toecap because of the material. It is not pliable like in the boot.

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