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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Interesting shoulder pads + elbows of Rangers

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That pad is made by Eagle, and before that Tackla Canada, so same pad.

The Warrior caps on old pads shouldn't surprise any at this point, it's what's legal.

Am I correct in guessing that that lower spine pad is not available to someone such as I? Been looking for something exactly like that which I can attach to either my pants or shoulder pads.

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Am I correct in guessing that that lower spine pad is not available to someone such as I? Been looking for something exactly like that which I can attach to either my pants or shoulder pads.

There was a pair of beat Jofa on ebay a while back with the Tackla pad attached. I've seen them pop up, but very infrequently.

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The lower spine padding is added by the trainer. Usually modified rib protection like this.


Looks like the 5K pads would be the closest thing I could get to the square pad I'm looking for. The rest are all curved or too small.

Usually modified padding that's added by the trainer doesn't have a logo on it. That's kind of why I'm making more of a huff about finding one. If Eagle has their logo on it, I'd like to know if they pulled it off something, if they made it specifically, or if the trainer did in fact make a custom piece, as you've suggested.

There was a pair of beat Jofa on ebay a while back with the Tackla pad attached. I've seen them pop up, but very infrequently.

I haven't seen anything like that pop up. I'll keep an eye out. Would certainly be easier to just buy the pad outright from Eagle.

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The pad is made by them. Like previous stated, it was Tackla Canada (Vaughn) then was branded Eagle as they no longer have the Tackla license.

Try contacting your Eagle dealer, maybe they will be able to order one.

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But his abs area is bare, i wouldnt want to take a shot there. It also looks like those jofas are two sizes smaller than what he should wear

Because I'm skinny I wear a size small for my CCM U+ 09 shoulder pads, but also stand 5' 11" so my ab area is unprotected. Took a shot block from the point one game and it hurt for a week or more. I decided to take an extended piece from my Sherwood pads and attached it to my CCM pads. Still not 100% covered but it's a lot better. I can't imagine potentially taking a shot from a NHL pro there without padding. Wow.

Air, that's Bickel with the Hustlers. And yeah Feds and Hagelin have a white bar across the chest/back, the others dont. Odd, wonder what that is.

My "assumption" is that it's a piece to keep that area closed. On the CCM pads it's open behind that pad piece in the middle so potentially if you twisted/moved it could make an open spot in the pads. I'm thinking that the white "bar" is a piece of material to help keep that from moving/twisting/opening? Hope that makes sense.

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Open? The spine piece has no liner behind it and won't open up and expose anything if that's what you're talking about.

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