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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Buying sticks in bulk

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Does anyone know how I can but sticks in bulk at a much discounted price, preferably pro stock. Or even how to get in contact with someone who would be able to help out, I have my first year of junior this year and I'm looking for about 10 sticks, your help would be greatly appreciated!

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Different dealers will give you different prices, call around and see what they offer you.

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Does anyone know how I can but sticks in bulk at a much discounted price, preferably pro stock. Or even how to get in contact with someone who would be able to help out, I have my first year of junior this year and I'm looking for about 10 sticks, your help would be greatly appreciated!

TSR does have a lot of prostock sticks. I bought 2 of the same prostock stick and they knocked off $15 bucks for me. Plus it is in tax free Salem NH and they do a good job of shipping things compact so you may only have to pay one or two shipping fees for 10 sticks.

(603) 898-7777

I got my sticks in 4 business days. Never been happier.

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You probably wont get as good a deal getting prostocks "Cheap" because dealers don't have much markup on them. Never hurts to try though, you may save a little.

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Why do you want/need a pro stock? Are you looking for a specific curve/flex option or is there some other reason?

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I have just noticed while I was shopping around that pro stocks were cheaper so that's why I was looking for them

Good luck then. Most places that sell pro stocks aren't going to give you a discount on buying in bulk and it's going to be even less likely that they have 10 matching sticks in any given shipment that they get.

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Chadd is right here. The only conceivable ways to pull that off are:

1. Catch lightning in a bottle and hope a place like TSR gets an entire batch of a particular stick that you like and you're able to buy them before anyone else does.

2. You're looking for something generic like a pro stock P92 87 Total One, which in that case you might be able to piece together 10 variants of that stick. That said, the chances of you getting the same shaft dimension, flex profile, and grip (and color even if that matters to you) for all 10 are even slimmer.

Have you looked to see if your junior team is able to get any discounts with a particular manufacturer on bulk stick orders?

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