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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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hands blistering after intensive

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i was wondering does anyone``s hands (particular the top stickhandling hand) have blisters after intensive stickhandling, because for me it happens all the time i have to put two layers of band aid everytime i play hockey

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Lighten up your grip or change the palms in your gloves to something that will allow you to have a softer grip. I had a little bit of that issue with MSH2 palms on some X72 gloves.

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Be very careful with open wounds in your gloves. Makes sure you keep them clean and protected. There are some pretty bad things that can happen if you get an infection.

How are you holding the stick with the top hand? It sounds like maybe you keep the butt end of the stick right in the heal of your palm. You could be getting blisters from using your bottom hand to control the stick and having your palm act as th pivot point giving you the blisters. If that is the case try using your top hand more to control the stick.

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Be very careful with open wounds in your gloves. Makes sure you keep them clean and protected. There are some pretty bad things that can happen if you get an infection.

How are you holding the stick with the top hand? It sounds like maybe you keep the butt end of the stick right in the heal of your palm. You could be getting blisters from using your bottom hand to control the stick and having your palm act as th pivot point giving you the blisters. If that is the case try using your top hand more to control the stick.

nope i use my top hand to stickhandle, i have a blister on my top hand (stickhandling hand)...however if i loosen the grip i won't be able to do "fast" stickhandling moves :S i guess its just me having this issue?

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Actually, a softer grip allows for faster hand movement.

but when you stick handle back and forth if you don't grip your stick then it wouldn't move back and forth with you....jeez i don't know how to explain it, do you understand what i'm trying to say?

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I believe what he is saying is: with the muscles tensed in your hand (tight grip) your wrist will be both less mobile and take more energy to move. That's not saying don't hold onto your stick, but just what's necessary to keep it in your hand.

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I believe what he is saying is: with the muscles tensed in your hand (tight grip) your wrist will be both less mobile and take more energy to move. That's not saying don't hold onto your stick, but just what's necessary to keep it in your hand.

That's exactly it. Hold out your hand and leave your fingers extend, then twist your wrist as fast as you can. Then clinch a fist as hard as you can and try the same thing, it's a major difference in speed. The difference between a light grip and hard grip is less, but still a difference none the less.

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Not only that, but if your hand is tight then your wrist is also tight and then you have to move your forearm more to move the stick. So you aren't just slowing down your movements but they are also going to be more choppy. If you watch a pro, when they're stickhandling back and forth only their hands move whereas a low level beer leaguer will be moving their arms.

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