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What Skates For Under $300?

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I need a new pair of skates pretty badly and want to spend about $275, but $300 max.

I've been considering Nike V10s since it seems like it is for my type of foot (Wide). I do not want to go near vapors either. Are V10s a good idea, or is there another model that would be a better investment?

BTW-I've also considered S400s but have heard from a couple different people that the protection isn't too good. (I'm a defenseman)

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Where can 8090s be found for ~$300 US. I remeber people saying cyclone had em for $290 US but I called last week and they were $449 CAN...Which I don't think is $300 US.

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Vectors aren't wide, 8090s can be had for right around 300.

I'd love 8090s, but the shops that I've seen have had them for about $370. I don't want to order online either.

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I belive at some point a few months ago, places were selling the 8090 for $300. But everyone i have checked with in the last week or two since i'm looking for new skates, has had them at $350-$400. As far as the vectors go, I have extremely wide feet, and the E width fits me alright, although i could go for a little wider skate, which is why i'm looking at the 8090 or possibley the s400.

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Yeah, I currently have Bauer 4000s in EE width, so I have pretty wide feet. I like the fit in the foot area, but it just feels like there's too much space between my ankle and and the boot at the top, so my ankles move inside the boot rather than with it. Therefore, it feels like I have almost no support.

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Im not in a position to place any assumptions on your financial situation but if i was in your position and was capped at 300 but the skate i like the most was more than the limit i would just go for it. I HATE buyers remorse.

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Yeah, I may have to. Keep in mind that I haven't tried on the 8090s yet, so I can't assume that I'd like them anyways. The S400s seem like they would be the best choice, but the protection worries me.

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Yeah, I may have to. Keep in mind that I haven't tried on the 8090s yet, so I can't assume that I'd like them anyways. The S400s seem like they would be the best choice, but the protection worries me.

I took a slapper off the inside of my foot, right behind the toe cap and it hurt for a week or so but no major damage. It also didn't stop me from skating at all, just a little tender. The toe caps are fantastic for preventing injury as well.

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I think your V10's wouldn't be a bad decision since you need something wider. If only it was narrow I would recommend something like the Supremes. I'm not sure about the S400's lacking protection but I do love Mission skates.

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I wouldn't really recommende the Supremes much anymore anyway due to the fact the high end ones come with the Lightspeeds. Most people on this board know about the Lightspeeds... = /

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what about the nike v12s what can you tell me about those..im looking for new skates and would like to get those...but i would like some info on them if you got any

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IF guys in the NHL wear the S Series Mission Skates, don't you think you would be okay? There is plenty of protection....

Post of the Month!!

Honesty we should have some sort of POTM..just a fun gag thing..and the winners can just send the same prize to one another..like a cracked black tuuk holder or something..

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