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Putting larger size boot in cowling

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My son out grew his pair of Bauer one80 skates after only one year "again".

The cowling and steel are still in good shape. I was wondering if it is possible to put a larger size boot in the same cowlng.

The skate is size 8d. He is moving up to 9.5d(these are Bauer sizing).

Does anyone know if or is possible to get a 9.5 boot and put it in the cowling?


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That's a lot of growth for a skate to go up 1.5 sizes!

As for your question, I do not think it would fit, if it was going up to 8.5 it would but 9.5 may be too much, someone with more knowledge can confirm this.

Also, may be better off just selling the skates if they are in good condition on eBay or at the rink and using the funds to pay for the new pair. Also, finding a goalie boot only sounds like a hassle and then you need to pay to have the cowling mounted. You may just be better selling the old pair and buying a new one, just my opinion.

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How old is your son? It seems strange to me that someone is outgrowing an 8.5 boot...I'd open up the skate and push his foot forward and see how much room is left by looking in the heel.

And to answer your question - no. Now if you were on the small side of the cowling and went up 1/2 size, I'd say yes. Axxion is right though - it's too much of a hassle anyway.

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To third-wheel by way of confirmation, there is no way you're getting a 9.5D boot into a size 8 cowling, even though you are on the small side of Bauer's new Vertexx cowling sizing (e.g. size 8 for both 8D and 8.5D skates, rather than sizing up to a 9 cowling on the half-size, as they have in the past.) Axx is right: you're unlikely to find stray boots. IMO, the only reason to do a cowling swap at all is if you have a pair of perfectly fitted boots and you need a new shell/steel, or if you want to put a pair of perfectly fitted boots into a particular non-standard cowling.

Definitely check the fit per JR's advice. It's possible that there is a width issue, as well.

Still, if the kid really did jump a size and a half, you can't fault a growth spurt like that.

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Old topic, but I'll ask my question here anyway. Before I get carried away and start taking skates apart, can I mount a RBK 9K boot into the new style Bauer cowling? I'm not worried about drilling holes, I'm just wondering if the 9K boot is structurally strong enough on it's own to be used in the Bauer cowling.

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Yes should have no problem. Really the only support comes from the inside of the cowling. Should feel the same, although you will be taller in the vertex cowling. Mounted a pair of beat 7000s into vertex cowlings for a customer at MonkeySports and was a little worried about the support.

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