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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Source for Mission Pitch 3 hardware, specifically bolts?

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Asking on behalf of a friend, who has a pair of Kor Shift 2's fitted with Mission Pitch 3 holders. The bolt and square headed nut that operate the pitch adjustment on the rear of the holder are the wrong parts, does anyone know of anywhere he could obtain these parts?

Many thanks,


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Not much new stock out there, perhaps some Calif hockey shops might have some since Mission was popular out there. I'd go to the thrift store or play it again sports or ebay and buy the cheapest Mission skate he can find, and then just rob the hardware from it. If he's luckey, he can find a skate with goos steel, that way he'll have a spare of that as well.

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I'm confused. Every shift 2 that I've ever seen has come with the second generation pitch with the square head.

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I'm confused. Every shift 2 that I've ever seen has come with the second generation pitch with the square head.

Sorry, I wasn't too clear describing the problem. The square headed nut and the corresponding bolt are missing and have been replaced with a round nut which has two small lugs on it and a cross headed bolt. The result is that the steel is constantly moving within the holder, because the wrong parts are fitted.

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