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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blisters in palms, lots of shooting

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Hows it going guys,

So im a shooter at a goalie clinic and will be for the next couple of weeks and my palms are killing me from all the shots. Im getting blisters on the palm area on both of my hands, gloves seem to be fine, no holes or anything although they are kind of the budget Warrior Bully gloves. Is there any treatments, products I can put on my palms to ease the pain during and after the clinic? I was also considering getting new gloves, will that help with the pain?

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If you are having trouble with the blisters ripping open, superglue hurts like hell but it does as good of a job as anything at keeping the blisters from getting worse/expanding.

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Lighten up your grip. A glove with something like a digital palm or reinforcement will give you all the grip you need without resulting in blisters.

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Chadd - I cant really lighten up my grip since I need all my strength to shoot on the higher level goalies. Because of the pain, im coasting along when I dont need to go 100% but still there are times when I need to take 50-80 shots at full strength in a row. What kind of gloves would have a digital palm or reinforcment? Theres a couple stores in the area and I might pick up a new pair.

Has anyone tried wearing a golf glove underneath? ive worn weightlifting gloves before and it totally shot my grip, would golf gloves work better?

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Gripping harder doesn't make you shoot harder. Gripping harder actually slows your hand rotation, lowering your potential velocity.

All of these have a digital or leather portion of the palm to improve grip.




http://www.hockeymonkey.com/graf-hockey-gloves-g700-leather-sr.html Leather fingers, nash palm

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To help the blisters try a bit of "second skin", and then wrap em up with pro wrap. It will feel a bit "weird" on the palms, but it will help.

A golf glove (as mentioned), or a very thin, tight-fitting pair of those "magic gloves" winter gloves will probably add a bit of padding/protection too, but might also kill the puck feeling on your palms as well.

I get a similar problem with the top hand on my stick when I'm taking a ton of shots. My top hand seems to creep up on the butt-end of the stick and start to cause friction on the knob of the stick.

I know what causes it for me (posture - back/hips or knee starts to hurt and I end up standing "taller" and adjust my grip to compensate), but it's hard to fix.

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I've never tried it with hands/gloves, but Duct tape over blisters can help alot to keep them from getting worse. I like the idea of a batting glove too, seems like that would work well..

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I've used cotton wool and lots of medical tape, hand ends up looking like it's about to go into a boxing glove for a fight but it kept me on the rink hitting shots. Try not to pad directly over the blister but make a thick ring around it with a small amount of cotton wool in the center, idea is to take the pressure off the blistered area.

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